Welcome to the Department of Mathematics Education
The Department of Mathematics Education is one of the largest groups of mathematics education researchers in the UK - with an international reputation for the research into and practice of the learning and teaching of mathematics and statistics.
Our research explores the fundamental processes involved in learning mathematics, and analyses, develops and evaluates pedagogical practice designed to enhance mathematical learning.
The Department of Mathematics Education is recognised for providing excellence in the delivery of University-wide mathematics support. Through the Mathematics Learning Support Centre, we provide support which is distinctive and of high quality to any students needing help with basic mathematics and statistics.
The Department supports and actively engages with programmes supporting good practice which ensures that all staff and students have equal opportunity to reach their potential.

Centre for Early Mathematics Learning
The Centre for Early Mathematics Learning (CEML) was launched following £8m funding from the Economic and Social Research Council.
Find out more about CEML on their website.
International reputation
100% of research impact rated ‘world-leading’ or ‘internationally excellent’
Within our Department there is an overt and rigorous research agenda. Staff are active in a number of research domains, with a particular focus on mathematical cognition and pedagogy.
Innovative teaching
Innovative teaching methods are used extensively to ensure the very best environment for students to learn and teaching is underpinned with a rigorous research agenda.
Thriving research culture
Our monthly research workshops attract colleagues from across the region, and we have a lively group of research students who are supervised by award-winning academic staff.